WP7 – “Knowledge co-creation, utilization and education”
WP7: Knowledge co-creation, utilization and education
Leader: Dr. Ellen Weerman, HAS
The aim of WP7 is to enlarge the societal impact of academic research by co-production, co-dissemination and knowledge implementation in the regions. Co-production will stimulate stakeholder participation and commitment and also promote knowledge integration and learning across researchers and stakeholders (Mauser et al., 2013). In this work package, living labs will be developed-up in three different regions (Utrechtse Heuvelrug, Noord-Brabant and clay area Groningen, Figure 1). HAS and HVHL together will facilitate the co-production of knowledge with stakeholders in WP1-6 through setting up three living labs and to co-produce knowledge with key stakeholders. HAS will be in the lead for organizing the living labs on the sandy soils in Noord-Brabant and Utrechtse Heuvelrug; HVHL will be in lead in Groningen. Each year a participatory workshop will be organized where WP1-6 also participate and co-disseminate their knowledge between researchers and stakeholders.
Involved consortium partners:
Dr. Peter van der Maas

Dr. Wieke Pot, Dr.ir. Ruud Bartholomeus

Dr. Niko Wanders


Deltares, the Netherlands

STOWA, the netherlands

KNMI, the Netherlands

Vitens, the Netherlands

Hoogheemraadschap Stichtse Rijnlanden, the Netherlands

Waterschap Noorderzijlvest, the Netherlands

Waterschap Brabant Delta, the Netherlands

Brabant Water, the Netherlands

KWR, the Netherlands

Hydrologic, the Netherlands

Staatsbosbeheer, the Netherlands

Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, the Netherlands

Natuurmonumenten, the Netherlands

KnowH2O, the Netherlands

Provincie Brabant, the Netherlands

VEWIN, the Netherlands